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AK World

A member registered Apr 04, 2020

Recent community posts

I just released v0.0.5, which I worked on for about a week. I like to have feedback on what I should improve and any glitches I should fix.

Version 0.0.4 will come out tommorrow!

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So basically, Super Block Party will be like Mario Party, where you compete to get the most stars by the end of a game by buying them at star spaces or getting lucky with some other factors. At the end of each turn, each player will play a minigame, and based on their ranking, will get a coin prize. There are a variety of spaces doing different things, ranging from good to bad.

It currently is in alpha, and I'd like to have feedback to improve the game.


(1 edit)

Hello, I just released a new version of my game, Super Block Party.

Super Block Party is basically a Mario Party-inspired game. All players must strive to get the most stars by the end by getting to the star space on the board and having enough coins to buy the star. Different spaces also have different function (etc. A blue space gives you 3 coins). At the end of a turn, all players will play a minigame, and based on their rank in the minigame, will get a coin prize at the end of the minigame.


Hello, I'm currently working on a game called Super Block Party. As of now, the game is very unfinished, and I've only done the title screen and the intro.
